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    Entries in Michigan (1)


    Rapping About The "Earth Destroyer" (or Large Hardron Collider)

    You know...I really am afraid for my seriously...i just peedSpeaking as someone who is working on a personal invention, that and i'm a huge nerdwad when it comes to particle collisions and what not. The Large Hadron Collider is something i've been keeping my eye on since early this spring. True, there is a chance that the Earth can inherit stranglets produce mini-black holes in the very lab where this is being tested [the CERN lab]. There are a number of pros and cons and I feel the more I try to explain this truly 'great moment' in science; the more it sounds like it could be the end of us all.  Its hard to communicate to people that we could find out the inner workings of gravity or even gain ground on the "Big Bang Theory". 

    But then there is a young lady named Kate McAlpine from Michigan who writes about science regularly. She made a rap about the LHC and initially when I heard this, I put two and two together pretty hastily. Nerd Science Journalist + Rap = TERRIBLE. Boy was I wrong...peep the video for yourself after the jump.

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