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    Entries in BlazBlue (3)


    EVO 2011 -- What Does It Feels Like To Throw A Fireball For $10,000

    As of me typing this little entry, we are about a week out from the events that transpired at this year's EVO. A great deal of joy and surprise was had by all that were interested. For those who filled up my Twitter feed with, "What's an EVO?" Go here for the full history.

    There seems to be something strange happening in the fighting game community. The level of recognition and genuine interest has been hard-fought over the past decade. Within that time, fighting game makers: Namco, Capcom, Aksys, have helped and hurt the culture. There was an obvious feeling of rushed games or just too many to play at one time. Games around the turn of the millennium were having a renaissance genre-wide. During the era of Third Strike, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Guilty Gear, there were so many iterations of fighting games, it was almost like, Guitar Hero.

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    BlazBlue: Continuum Shift -- Fighting For A Chance

    It's not that Calamity Trigger wasn't an aweomely weird game, but that Continuum Shift is so much more awesome and weird.

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    BlazBlue [PS3]: Solid Fighting Game, Furry & Cosplay Fodder

    There is something to be said about a 2-D, hand-drawn sprite fighting game. Even more can be said if it is well made with accepted oddness to boot. In this age of first-person shooters and 3-dimensional sandbox games, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger holds true to the core values of what makes a great fighting game. Unfortunately, it holds on to a lot of the weird elements that turned fighting game fans off ten years ago.

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