1up & The Aftermath [not Dr. Dre Related]
Firstly, I think I speak for many when I say a big ole...Thank you! Thank you 1up.com. Thank you EGM [i think my first issue was when I was in 6th or 7th grade! When I went back home for the holidays I thumbed through some old issues.]. Thank you Alumni who have proven that post 1up...you guys truly are 'them dudes'.
Secondly, it's crazy ass late and I'm upset, because I just found out about the finalization of all of this horribleness so what I 'want to say' will be kept to a minimum to a later, much more tranquil date. What I'd like to say to you 4 to 5 people reading this would be to read Jeff Green's posting about this issue, because it pretty much encapsulates my feelings on this ...at this very instance. Here is a [short]list of the people who no longer work @ 1up thanks to Tina's brog.
Thirdly...damn...I mean really...my homie Richard texted me about this and I didn't catch up on it, because my personal life has been fairly hectic this week. I went to Joystiq to see the progress of what I already knew was an eventual 'merger'; boy was I wrong on the details though.
Lastly I think, if anything...only good can happen to those who got canned. One thing would be the 1up.FM...I'm sorry...the RebelFM podcast started the day after 'the happening' and I'm listening to it now and it is quite possibly the most surreal podcast I've heard...it's a play-by-play I wasn't really looking forward to, but glad [because of this new age of technology] I'm able to listen.
Man...I should really be in bed...more on this at a later date...
Thanks to Kotaku for this:
Before a boot was placed on the newly unemployed EGM staff...under the gun, the were able to churn out one last issue. Although i have a subscription...I think I'll stroll down to my local B&N to buy one.
NeoGAF's thread of 1up staffers and how you can keep in contact [if you're interested]
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