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    Entries in Ted talks (2)


    Commercial Break: Processed Food vs Whole Foods -- Inside Of You


    One day me and some dancing buddies were waiting in line at an IHOP talking about cancer. Because, you know, what else would some twenty-somethings talk about while waiting to fill ourselves with sugary-fried goodness? 

    Click to read more ...


    Commercial Break: Science Just F**kin' Killed Mosquitoes

    Yes, I know, another video! I'm kinda suffering from the worst kind of block right now. It also doesn't help that I'm running quite the fever after a long [productive] trip.

    What you see above is from a TED talk [which we all should watch more of] centered around a constructive use of the blue laser found in most of our tech. Okay, a constructive use other than watching The Wire at two in the morning.

    The inner-entomologist in me, is a bit concerned with the future ramifications of such a find. "What if we kill too many mosquitoes?" And other such questions come to mind. 

    But still though, this is pretty cool. And I think it's helping me through this mental block.

    Maybe I'll write about this San Diego trip after all?

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