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Entries in Spy (1)


Fan Video -- Team Fortress 2: Sentry Sabotage


I'm posting a fan video for a video game that came out close to five years ago. I'm that guy. 

Usually a good rule to follow is that when someone says, "Hey I made a video about this video game I like." Chances are you need to break all ties with this person and post the unintentionally hilarious video on several social network sites. That is, if it's terrible and you're a terrible person who takes pleasure in something like that. I know I don't...

In the many years Valve's Team Fortress 2 has been availible on console and PC, plenty of fan videos, 'drawrings', maybe even macrame patterns have been dedicated to the game. Turns out these nerds who play video games may also harbor some form of a highly skilled, artistic background.

Enjoy this video, it comes from a community that cares.


P.S. How true-to-life was that sniper offing a cloaked spy? Very.