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    Entries in MSNBC (3)


    Fat Vs. Photoshop [w/ Sarah Haskins]


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    My personal hero, Sarah Haskins appeared on Rachel Maddow's show today discussing a topic that effects us all...Big-Headism. We've all seen these types of women walking down the street, one hundred pounds and six-foot thirty. But the typically have gigantic heads. I worry for their turtlenecks and winter hats.

    Oh wait...these types of women don't exist in real life?

    Damn you photoshop and mass male-centric marketing!


    It's Not That I Don't Believe You, It's Just That You're Crazy

    Queen Orly Taitz is not crazy. She's gone sane in a crazy world. I actually had no idea about the 'Birther Movement' until today. I mean...i knew there were people out there that didn't believe Obama was a born here or there, but to put a face on the movement. All I can say is...thank you Orly Taitz...thank you.


    Video: Final Presidential Debate 2008

    Still haven't seen it yet...I hear both candidates simultaneously 'pulled their llamas out'.  Sorry, but if someone is going to get the key to this dirt I reside on...I can only hope they put a little fire and spirit into the job their applying for. For those of you who have not seen it and for those of you who just want to relive the magic of what seems to be a christmas time for three ringed circuses...Enjoy.