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Entries in Drunk (1)


Commercial Break: Get Drunk & Hit Somethin'

Ever have one of those days where you just want to take the keys to your pick-up and run it through your favorite watering hole?


How 'bout just politely grazing one of the cement pillars while you completely f**k up your drive train and vehicle alignment? Yeah, I thought so.

Work has picked up on this end the brog, which is a good thing. I'd be lying if I didn't say that'd I may be a smidge overwhelmed at the moment. Writing, art projects and dancing have made little inroads to me being less grumpy, but it's helped birth many future ideas. Loads of which, I'm sure I'll be grumpy about NOT working on with my eight minutes of free time.

"We're working on it!"

It's something I say to the people at my nine-to-fiver. When in all actuality, I should be saying, "I'm planning my escape! The tunnel is coming along nicely!"

When I see the man in this video. The one getting effortlessly thrown out of a bar and lack of social couthness. I think to myself: 

"Self? I wonder what kind of job he has? Do his kids love him? Is he still thinking his wife will come back?"

But then he puts the keys in. And we all learn a valuable lesson. That's right...


Steal a car, then drive it into your favorite watering hole.