Commercial Break: Sensory Boxes --Sponsored By University of Redlands
ENVISION : Step into the sensory box from SUPERBIEN on Vimeo.
When you see a video like this you wonder, "Man, why didn't I think of that?", and "Wow does my head hurt!"
Well I'm here to tell you two things. One of which is that you probably need to take a nap because that sensory video probably gave you a loopy headache. The second is, once you wake up, venture over to the University of Redlands website and help yourself by checking out the many degree possibilities available.
What could it hurt? Did I mention that by checking out this top California business school you are also supporting The Brog? Even if you aren't in the mood to earn a university degree, you should pass this post along to someone who is. Let them know that opportunities exists in the College of Arts & Sciences at Redlands University.
Maybe you should check out the art and design program at Redlands University? You too can make sensory overload projects like the one you see above -- all with the goals of continuing your education as well as hypnotizing the general public. What could be so wrong about that? It probably doesn't take much convincing to encourage an eager mind to attend a top university in Los Angeles, but here we are.
So it will encourage me if you pass this link along, check out the cool video. Think about what you or a friend could be doing to attain a degree. Check out University of Redlands if you are considering continuing your education or if you want to become a teacher. Also be sure to take that nap, because this video gave me the biggest headache and I [nor the Brog] can be held responsible for any cranial hemorrhaging you incur.
And if anything else, support the Brog and the site's need to bring you cool and, in this case, really odd posts. There are more on the way and I thank you for making the Brog such a success. Okay, its nap time.
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