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    What Is A Goldfrapp?

    I spotted this on Sir Arthur Gies' twitter page and was wondering were we went wrong as a society. I sent it to my boss at work and he seemed to be at least more privy to this 'Goldfrapp' [which in gaming terms translates to 'majestic fart' give or take a vowel] group than I could ever hope. This is what the kids are into? This is how babies are made? Songs like this made by people like this confuse me.

    80's fashion has long been heralded as humanities greatest evolutionary drawback, so I would assume that most popular 80's music functioned as a synthetic catalyst into what could only be described as...well Goldfrapp. But hey, I'm in my late twenties, maybe I am reaching that point where new-old music [where the new music is inspired/copied by an old aesthetic] doesn't quite strike the eardrums as pleasantly as they use to.

    Seriously though, people like this?

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