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    « New Left 4 Dead 2 Trailer! [Yup...Looks Like Its Infected With Awesome] | Main | Paranormal Activity: A Great Movie Under Certain Conditions »

    Dedicated to Nicolas Cage's [Current] Acting Career

    Me and my lady have been tossing around the idea of how far the mighty Nicolas Cage has fallen. Sure Ghost Rider made a bajillion dollars and we will more than likely see Mr. Cage play with the notion of being a psychic time travaller [a la Knowing and Next fame] in future cinematic projects. In my personal and professional opinion, Nicolas Cage's magnum opus will always and forever be The Wicker Man. Watch as Cage gets stung in the eyes by bees and punch ladies in the face. Then when you think The Wicker Man has reached its zenith realize that Cage can punch ladies in the face while dressed as a bear.

    I Highly recommend...

    [Further clips of this god among men after the jump]

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    Reader Comments (2)

    WTF!? I heard this movie was just BAD. This looks bad in that AWESOMELY-BAD way. How come no one told me? My friends have failed.

    I had to stop it when they started pouring bees. I must see that entirely in it's proper context. NOT THE BEES!!

    October 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJKC

    Wicker Man is one of God's gifts to us mortals

    October 29, 2009 | Registered CommenterIsaiah T. Taylor

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