Blame Shawn Elliot's Twitter...
If I don't complete any of my assignments or becoming utterly useless at work it is because of this man's twitter page. The clips, the photos, the news stories all these things [even the not safe for work ish] have caused my eyes to wander all over the sexy body that is, the internet. Note: You should know that the clips and links labeled 'nsfw' have either nudity or adult content within it so be warned.
Here...lets start soft...
Getting all SpeedFit
Still not sure about this one...[note: nsfw]
null - Watch more free videos
Ah...I see what she did there.
Mental Board Break [and yes...the pants are the best]
Hmm...must have been what swayed the vote on Prop. 8
What a great prank...
Cat Sleeping On A Turnstyle In Japan...Citizens Disregard...
ICP Related: You probably shouldn't watch this...Really...
I would suggest going straight to Youtube and reading the comments...they are great!
And this is just from the past couple days guys.
Edit: If you are on twitter then let me pimp his
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