PWND: Wall Street Gets The Vaccine Before You Do
Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 4:24PM
Isaiah T. Taylor in Animal Planet, Culture, Economics, Humor, News, Swine Flu, Video, Wall Street


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Oh word? I mean, I guess if it weren't for these guys we wouldn't be able to...well...hmm. I'm not quite sure what were to happen if everybody on Wall Street got sick and specifically the swine flu. Maybe we would lose our way in the world and start eating our own poop [I mean, once we've kept the demons away by flinging our poop surplus]. I could never get a vaccine. I mean...I really couldn't, this has nothing to do with my morals to getting vaccinations, but if you were to include that I would still be hacking up a lung for the sake of someone who may be worse off than I am.

Not Wall Street though. These guys are white collar gangsta. It just goes to show you ... you can't spell Swine Flu without WIN. And Wall Street got this round.

Source: MSNBC

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